News & Publications


20 Nov 2020

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Written by:

Soenardi Pardi | Oscar Damarjati | Raisa Rishya Renald Rinaldi | Yohanes Memory M. Sa’pang | Victor Juan Tanojo


General Overview

On 2 November 2020, the Indonesian Government had officially enacted Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation (the “Omnibus Law”), the first Indonesian law drawn up with an omnibus concept.

Omnibus laws are drafted to cover multiple matters combined into one. In this case, several existing laws have been simultaneously revised/amended/revoked in the one legislative instrument.

The main objectives of the Omnibus Law are to carry out structural reform, accelerate economic transformation and reform the Indonesian workforce in order to meet the challenges of increasing competition, the demands of economic globalization and the need to create investment friendly commercial conditions.

The Omnibus Law targets 11 (eleven) reform “clusters”. These are simplification of licensing, investment requirements, manpower, land procurement, ease of doing business, research and innovation support, government administration, imposition of sanctions, ease, empowerment and protection of micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), governments’ investments and projects, and economic zones.

To understand the general regulatory framework of the Omnibus Law and which regulations are revised/amended/revoked, please see below for a table of the contents, list of laws amended and revoked and a more in-depth summary of the law’s framework. We apologize in advance for the length. It would be an understatement to say that the Omnibus Law was merely ambitious in scope – there is barely a sector of the Indonesian economy that it does not touch. It is not possible here to go into close detail about the significant new regulations/amendments, however, we will discuss these further in the future articles.



 Copyright © 2020 HS. All rights reserved.

The writing/creation of this material is contributed by all Hendra Soenardi’s Associates:


This material is the property of Hendra Soenardi and may not be used or relied upon by any other party without our prior written consent. The information contained herein is of general nature (and therefore, not intended to cover all types of amendments / contents of the Omnibus Law in detail and complete manner) and should not be treated as a legal advice and basis/reference for any purpose, nor shall it be relied upon by any party for any circumstance. Specific legal advice should be sought by the interested parties to address the circumstances related to the matters discussed in this material.

This material is prepared based on Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation.